Building type:
Project Status:
Gross Area:
17000 Sqm
BREEAM New Construction 2014 (UK) Excellent
Climatic zone:
Conceived as a mixed-tenure, ‘open’ residential development accessible to all, Alpine Place has redeveloped a former light industrial estate in Brent to create a mixed-use scheme that provides high-quality housing for the local community.
The development is made up of 144 residential units, arranged in four blocks and includes 1,800m2 of B1 office accommodation, five live/work units, and underground car parking spaces.
The project consists of a variety of unit types and housing tenure to create an inclusive and thriving community. The scheme has been designed to Lifetime Homes standards and also adheres to the London Housing Design Guide. A mix of 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom units have been provided, including 3-bedroom duplexes and 4-bedroom houses. All units exceed London Housing Design Guide spatial standards and feature large balconies and rooftop terraces.
Creating a variety of safe spaces to encourage residents to come together was integral to the design. The scheme’s landscaped avenues are car free and prioritise residents. Car parking has been located underground to minimise all but essential vehicular access, thereby creating a safe environment for children’s play.
2016 RICS Awards – Best Residential Project, London
2016 Housing Excellence Awards – Best Regeneration Scheme
2016 Build Architecture Awards – Best Residential Architecture Firm in the UK
2016 Build Architecture Awards – Most Innovative London Residential Project
Natural ventilation
Ventilation + Heat recovery
Passive Solar
High efficient façade
Rainwater harvesting
Grey Water Recycling
Water-saving sanitary appliances
Sustainable building materials
Low-emitting materials and finishes
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Smart design (passive design strategies)
On-site renewables
Daylighting maximised
Lean, Clean, Green
The development has adopted the standard energy strategy by striving to:
• Use Less Energy (Lean) – minimise overall environmental impact and energy use through energy efficiency measures
• Use Clean Energy (Clean) – ensure energy systems on‐site are efficient and produce minimal emissions
• Use Renewable Energy (Green) – implement the use of suitable technologies to provide renewable and emission free energy sources
The sustainability aspiration was to minimise the building’s overall environmental impact and reducing its resource use by being designed to exceed Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 with 30% carbon dioxide reduction in Dwelling Emission Rate over 2010 building regulations. The commercial spaces were initially designed to meet a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating but due to the site constraints a high scoring ‘Very Good’ has been achieved.
Brownfield Redevelopment & Construction Process
Alpine Place had the benefit of being a brownfield redevelopment and thus sought to deliver a reduction in the overall CO2 emissions for the site by reducing the overall footprint by >400m2 (when compared to the existing buildings) and reusing over 50% of the existing building structure and fabric. The construction waste generated as part of the redevelopment process was segregated and monitored as standard, with suitable materials being recycled as part of the process, either to be reused on site or introduced back into the supply chain through recycling by a Licensed Contractor.
Minimises Energy Demand
Alpine Place has been designed to optimise passive environmental features and to minimise wastage. The buildings are oriented and the internal layouts designed to optimise daylight penetration to every unit, minimise heat loss, reducing the energy load requirements from heating, lighting and ventilation systems. Eco friendly materials, water management, recycling, renewable energy and noise control methods have all been considered in the design.
The orientation of the site and the position of the window openings have enabled a significant amount of passive solar gain to be realised. The use of positive thermal mass in the external brickwork walls helps to minimise potential overheating issues in mid‐summer. As the majority of solar gain is via glazing, this has been controlled by the inclusion of recessed balconies which help to protect much of the glazing from direct gain.
PV panels for electricity and MVHR limit the development’s reliance on fossil fuel technologies and provide occupants with high quality ‘green’ homes which require little technical knowledge or interface to operate successfully.
Rainwater attenuation storage tanks and SUDS have been incorporated to provide sustainable drainage.
Energy efficient gas boilers are in the central plant room for each building with hot water pumped into individual apartments.
A 165kWp PV array has been installed across all four blocks.
Alpine Place has been designed and constructed to maximise flexibility and adaptation potential. The concrete frame maximises the potential for the reconfiguration of the internal space to meet changing housing standards, and climate needs in the future. The scheme is 100% Lifetime Homes compliant, including provision for future lifts within the duplex units.
Low environmental impact materials have been specified for the external envelope and structural elements within the new building design (roof, external and internal walls and floors).
All timber was sourced from suppliers accredited by the FSC or a similar.
Water Efficiency
Alpine Place incorporates internal water conservation measures to reduce overall water usage by residents during their use of the buildings.
Annual energy demand and CO2 emissions for heating and cooling (excludes any contributions from onsite renewables): 90.1 kWh/m2 (22.8 kgCO2/m2).
Annual energy demand and CO2 emissions for regulated electrical usage (excludes any contributions from onsite renewables): 15.5 kWh/m2 (8.0 kgCO2/m2).
Total annual CO2 emissions/m2 internal floor area: 17.6 kgCO2/m2.
Energy consumption:
105.60 KW/m² (33.475 KBtu/ft²)
Consumption type:
Actual Data
Annual carbon footprint:
17.60 KgCO2m² (189.445 KgCO2/ft²)
Climate zone:
Min. temperature =
Max temperature =
RH =
Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt
Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt
Building services engineer:
Bannerman Consulting Engineers
Structural Engineer:
Pindoria Associates
Jaysam Development
Kingspan , Marley Eternit , Parklex
Via Cesare Cantù, 2, 20123 Milano MI, Italia | 2019
Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 68, 00148 Roma RM, Italia | 2015
Via Pietro Borsieri, 2a, 00195 Roma RM, Italia | 2018
Corso Ercole I d'Este, 15, 44121 Ferrara FE, Italia | 2018