Building type:
Project Status:
Gross Area:
2500 Sqm
LEED v3 BD+C (Retail) Gold
Climatic zone:
The new Coop Estense (now call Coop Alleanza 3.0) grocery store in Carpi (MO), opened in November 2013. The building is located in a suburban place in the south-west of the Municipality of Carpi (Province of Modena - Italy). The area is considered by the urban plan of the Municipality as a residential, retail and public park development.
In October 2014, it achieved the LEED Gold certification under the LEED 2009 for Retail rating system. The cooperative’s technical direction was strongly committed in promoting the implementation of environmental friendly and energy efficient features in the design and construction of the new building.
The supermarket is organized mainly on one level. On the first floor there is only a technical room. The shape of the building is a rectangle (57m x 45m). The average height is 5.8m (19ft). The main retail area is 1700 sqm.
The main entrance is north-oriented and in front of the façade there is the new residential lots and the Police station. The parking area is partly located on both north and west sides of the building.
The main façade is characterized by a red canopy above the roof that offers weather protection to the customers from the parking spaces to the entrance. This external arcade continues to Sigonio Street beyond the limit of the building footprint.
High efficient façade
Rainwater harvesting
Water-saving sanitary appliances
Low-emitting materials and finishes
High efficient lighting
Sustainable sourced timber
Landscaped areas with no irrigation
Regional materials
Daylighting maximised
1) Integrated design and concept of the building.
2) Attention to the local identity, the pedestrian and bicycle accessibility.
3) High performance building envelope (insulated wall panels, double glazing and solar shading systems).
4) High energy efficient HVAC and refrigerating systems.
5) Optimisation of the electrical system.
6) Integration of natural and artificial lighting.
7) Diffuse use of LED lighting for internal and external lighting
8) Building automation systems to control lighting, heating, cooling, etc.
The goals of the project were clear:
• significantly reduce operational costs compared to similar stores, to improve quality and service levels;
• realise a building with a low environmental impact;
• increase the comfort and liveability of the indoor environment for customers and employees.
This building in Carpi is the first supermarket in Italy reaching the LEED Gold certification under the LEED for Retail 2009, rating system. The 65/110 score has been obtained by adding the 43 points of Design phase to 22 of Construction phase.
Sustainable Sites
In the Sustainable Sites category, we earned credits that reward the following strategies: development located in densely built areas; proximity to services and use of alternative transportation; protection of local habitats; maximisation of open spaces; reduction of heat island effect through the realisation of roof and non-roof surfaces with high solar reflectance materials.
The sustainable management of the construction site required the general contractor to perform the continuous implementation of best site management practices and weekly inspection. The Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, mandatory to obtain the LEED certification, has been integrated within the Environmental Management Plan already expected for this site.
Water Efficiency
10 out of 10 is the result achieved in the Water Efficiency category: maximum reduction of domestic water consumption by installing high efficient aerators for each faucet as well as double flush WCs with water-stop. Thanks to a dual network, the system is provided with rainwater harvested and properly filtered. Native and adaptive plans and no use of potable water for irrigation has allowed reaching the best performance in this area.
Energy & Atmosphere
In the Energy & Atmosphere category we pursued and obtained credits for dynamic energy modelling, on-site renewable energy production, certified green energy supply and advanced Commissioning.
One of the key feature is that the building benefits of natural lighting inside, thanks to the introduction of solar tubes on the roof. Artificial lighting system is updated to the currently available technologies, with the aim to reach the right mix of innovation and cost control.
Material & Resources
In the Material & Resources category, it was possible to reach the use of 50% regional materials and to go over 20% of recycle content for materials permanently installed in the building. A Construction Waste Management Plan was developed to identify the recyclable waste streams and optimise the sites for collection and storage. In the construction phase 90% of waste production was diverted from landfill and recycled.
Indoor Environmental Quality
A healthy environment is fundamental in a site for the preparation and sale of foodstuffs. For that reason, the Indoor Environmental Quality category was subject to a careful analysis both during the design and the construction phase. For each AHU outdoor air monitoring systems were implemented to verify continuously the right operation of machines and air treatment systems. High efficient filters, increase of the indoor ventilation, carpets at the entrance guarantee an effective protection of pollution coming from the outside.
During the construction phase an Indoor Air Quality Management Plan was developed requiring the use of product with low emission of pollutants, to protect the health of construction workers as well as the benefit of end users.
To protect and maximise the health and comfort of occupants and to have a direct benefit in ordinary and extraordinary systems management, a flush-out before occupancy was performed, allowing to completely ‘wash’ and perfectly clean the whole indoor air volume.
Results are very encouraging, comparing performance data from five different stores owned by Coop Alleanza 3.0; in 2015, the absenteeism of employee due to illness was reduced by 65% in Carpi's store.
For credits in the Innovation area, Coop Alleanza 3.0 developed a specific “Green Cleaning” policy, which requires for the building the use of cleaning products with low or zero impact on the environment and indoor emission of pollutants.
Furthermore a Green Educational program is active, constituted by an informative path with special signs that highlight the sustainable features of the building; bi-monthly, Coop Alleanza 3.0 organises a visit to the building showing to the customers the sustainable path leading to the construction of the building in Sigonio Street.
The presence of a LEED AP, which coordinated the integrated design phase and supported the general contractor both on the construction site and during the development of credits for Construction, allowed the team to work in a synergistic way, optimising efforts and resources, and reaching the prestigious goal that Coop Alleanza 3.0 had set.
Energy consumption:
387.49 KW/m² (122.834 KBtu/ft²)
Consumption type:
Actual Data
Annual carbon footprint:
N/A (N/A )
Climate zone:
Min. temperature =
Max temperature =
RH =
Coop Alleanza 3.0
Building services engineer:
Energy consultant:
Michele De Beni
Green certification consultant:
Specialist consultant:
Matteo Rigo , Studio Associato Vio
Structural Engineer:
Sustainability consultant:
Sub contractor:
Viale delle Nazioni, 1, 37135 Verona VR, Italia | 2017
Via Provinciale per Lecco, Lipomo CO, Italia | 2018
Via Aldo Ferraresi, Ferrara FE, Italia | 2016
Via Emilia Ovest, 237, 43126 Parma PR, Italia | 2013