DANIELE GUGLIELMINO / Green buidings  / LEED® / WELL®  / Green policy development


Torino, Italia



Building Services Engineering Firm


Daniele Guglielmino | B.Arch., M.Arch, Ph.D., LEED® AP™, WELL® AP™, USGBC® Faculty™ Registred architect, graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2007 at the Turin Polithecnic, Doctor of Philosophy with a thesis concerning management of sustainable design and construction processes, with a specific focus on energy performance evaluation. Founder and past chair of the Chapter Piemonte of the Green Building Council Italia Founding member of the Italian chapter of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association www.ibpsa-italy.org ) Former Vice chair of Energy and Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group of Green Building Council Italia. Technical consultant of Green Building Council Italia, from 2011 to 2013, working on the development of rating systems for green building design, construction and operation, such as: - LEED® Italia Nuove Costruzioni e Ristrutturazioni 2009 - GBC Home™ - GBC Historic Building® Consultant at Manens-Tifs s.p.a. b.u. of Verona since 2013. Main papers for conferences: 2014 | BOARIN P., GUGLIELMINO D., ZUPPIROLI M., “Towards a new sustainability assessment for historic buildings: development of GBC Historic BuildingTM”, in Scienza e beni culturali. Atti del 30° Convegno internazionale. Quale sostenibilità per il restauro?, Bressanone, 1-4 luglio 2014 , Edizioni Arcadia Ricerche Srl, Venezia, pp. 597-614, ISBN: 978-88-95409-18-4, ISSN: 2039-9790. 2014 | BOARIN P., GUGLIELMINO D., PISELLO A. L., COTANA F., “Sustainability assessment of historic buildings: lesson learnt from an Italian case study through LEED® rating system”, in ICAE2014. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, Taipei, Taiwan, 30 May - 2 June 2014, pp., 2014 | BOARIN P., GUGLIELMINO D., ZUPPIROLI M., “Certified sustainability for heritage buildings: Development of the new rating system GBC Historic Building™”, in Amoeda R., Lira S., Pinheiro C. (a cura di), REHAB 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, Tomar (PT), 19-21 marzo 2014, Vol. 2, pp.1109-1120, e-ISBN: 978-989-8734-02-0. 2011 | FABRIZIO E., GUGLIELMINO D., MONETTI V., Italian benchmark building models: the office building, Building Simulation 2011 Sydney Australia; 2011 | BECCHIO C, GUGLIELMINO D., FABRIZIO E., FILIPPI M., Whole cost analysis of building envelope technologies according to the European Standard EN 15459, Climamed ’11 VI Congreso Mediterraneo de Climatizacion, Madrid 2-3 giugno 2011, ATECYR, pp. 291-306 (ISBN 978-84-95010-41-4); 2010 | ASTOLFI A; BOTTALICO P; GUGLIELMINO D., Acoustics of the Teatro Regio in Turin before and after refurbishment, In: INTER-NOISE 2010 Congress -Noise and sustainability, INTER-NOISE 2010 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal 13 - 16 June 2010, Invitation paper; 2010 | BECCHIO C; FILIPPI M; GUGLIELMINO D; PERINO M.; SIROMBO E, Natural ventilation for green building design: analysis of different strategy to improve indoor air quality for school buildings, In: Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings, REHVA Office (BEL), 10th REHVA World Congress, Antalya, Turkey 9-12 May, 2010, Vol. Technical session 14; 2009 | FILIPPI .M, BECCHIO C, CORGNATI S.P., GUGLIELMINO D., Rating systems for green buildings certification: features, applicability, pracitce. In: Systems, energy and built environment toward a sustainable comfort. Rome (ITALY), October 8th and 9th, p. 137-148, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-95620-53-4


Green buidings



Green policy development




Thumbnail Riccardo Hopps

Riccardo Hopps

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni


Thumbnail Luisa  Fontana

Luisa Fontana

Thumbnail Fabio Viero

Fabio Viero

Thumbnail Alessandro Bisagni

Alessandro Bisagni

alfonso senatore

Hamoda Youssef

Daniele Guglielmino | B.Arch., M.Arch, Ph.D.,
LEED® AP™, WELL® AP™, USGBC® Faculty™

Registred architect, graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2007 at the Turin Polithecnic, Doctor of Philosophy with a thesis concerning management of sustainable design and construction processes, with a specific focus on energy performance evaluation.

Founder and past chair of the Chapter Piemonte of the Green Building Council Italia

Founding member of the Italian chapter of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association www.ibpsa-italy.org )

Former Vice chair of Energy and Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group of Green Building Council Italia.

Technical consultant of Green Building Council Italia, from 2011 to 2013, working on the development of rating systems for green building design, construction and operation, such as:

- LEED® Italia Nuove Costruzioni e Ristrutturazioni 2009
- GBC Home™
- GBC Historic Building®

Consultant at Manens-Tifs s.p.a. b.u. of Verona since 2013.

Main papers for conferences:

2014 | BOARIN P., GUGLIELMINO D., ZUPPIROLI M., “Towards a new sustainability assessment for historic buildings: development of GBC Historic BuildingTM”, in Scienza e beni culturali. Atti del 30° Convegno internazionale. Quale sostenibilità per il restauro?, Bressanone, 1-4 luglio 2014 , Edizioni Arcadia Ricerche Srl, Venezia, pp. 597-614, ISBN: 978-88-95409-18-4, ISSN: 2039-9790.

2014 | BOARIN P., GUGLIELMINO D., PISELLO A. L., COTANA F., “Sustainability assessment of historic buildings: lesson learnt from an Italian case study through LEED® rating system”, in ICAE2014. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, Taipei, Taiwan, 30 May - 2 June 2014, pp.,

2014 | BOARIN P., GUGLIELMINO D., ZUPPIROLI M., “Certified sustainability for heritage buildings: Development of the new rating system GBC Historic Building™”, in Amoeda R., Lira S., Pinheiro C. (a cura di), REHAB 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, Tomar (PT), 19-21 marzo 2014, Vol. 2, pp.1109-1120, e-ISBN: 978-989-8734-02-0.

2011 | FABRIZIO E., GUGLIELMINO D., MONETTI V., Italian benchmark building models: the office building, Building Simulation 2011 Sydney Australia;

2011 | BECCHIO C, GUGLIELMINO D., FABRIZIO E., FILIPPI M., Whole cost analysis of building envelope technologies according to the European Standard EN 15459, Climamed ’11 VI Congreso Mediterraneo de Climatizacion, Madrid 2-3 giugno 2011, ATECYR, pp. 291-306 (ISBN 978-84-95010-41-4);

2010 | ASTOLFI A; BOTTALICO P; GUGLIELMINO D., Acoustics of the Teatro Regio in Turin before and after refurbishment, In: INTER-NOISE 2010 Congress -Noise and sustainability, INTER-NOISE 2010 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal 13 - 16 June 2010,
Invitation paper;

2010 | BECCHIO C; FILIPPI M; GUGLIELMINO D; PERINO M.; SIROMBO E, Natural ventilation for green building design: analysis of different strategy to improve indoor air quality for school buildings, In: Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings, REHVA Office (BEL), 10th REHVA World Congress, Antalya, Turkey
9-12 May, 2010, Vol. Technical session 14;

2009 | FILIPPI .M, BECCHIO C, CORGNATI S.P., GUGLIELMINO D., Rating systems for green buildings certification: features, applicability, pracitce. In: Systems, energy and built environment toward a sustainable comfort. Rome (ITALY), October 8th and 9th, p. 137-148, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-95620-53-4

Trentino Trasporti

38027 Croviana TN, Italia | 2015

Trentino Trasporti

Studio Decaminada | Manens-Tifs

Mixed-Use | LEED v3 BD+C (New Construction) Platinum
Thumbnail Riccardo Hopps

Riccardo Hopps

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni


Via Campofiore, 37129 Verona VR, Italia | Italy

Building Services Engineering Firm



Thumbnail Fabio Viero

Fabio Viero