Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA | 2013
Santa Monica Parking Structure 6
Behnisch Architekten
Public Buildings | LEED v3 BD+C (Core & Shell) GoldStuttgart, Germany
www.behnisch.comBehnisch Architekten
Behnisch Architekten was founded in 1989 as a branch office of Günter Behnisch‘s firm, Behnisch & Partner. The “Stadtbüro“, as this branch was called, developed under the leadership of Stefan Behnisch, and in 1991, it became an entirely independent firm, apart from Behnisch & Partner, with its own partnership structure and operations. Günter Behnisch continued to run his practice, Behnisch & Partner, until his retirement and the firm’s closure in 2005. For many years, Günter partnered with Stefan in the new office. In 2005, after several changes in structure and name, the independent Stadtbüro adopted today`s name, Behnisch Architekten. Under Stefan Behnisch’s leadership, the firm has developed over the last 20 years into a successful international practice with offices in Stuttgart (since 1991), Los Angeles (1999-2011), Boston (since 2006), and Munich (since 2009). All three firms operate under the name of Behnisch Architekten.
Behnisch Architekten was founded in 1989 as a branch office of Günter Behnisch‘s firm, Behnisch & Partner. The “Stadtbüro“, as this branch was called, developed under the leadership of Stefan Behnisch, and in 1991, it became an entirely independent firm, apart from Behnisch & Partner, with its own partnership structure and operations. Günter Behnisch continued to run his practice, Behnisch & Partner, until his retirement and the firm’s closure in 2005. For many years, Günter partnered with Stefan in the new office.
In 2005, after several changes in structure and name, the independent Stadtbüro adopted today`s name, Behnisch Architekten. Under Stefan Behnisch’s leadership, the firm has developed over the last 20 years into a successful international practice with offices in Stuttgart (since 1991), Los Angeles (1999-2011), Boston (since 2006), and Munich (since 2009). All three firms operate under the name of Behnisch Architekten.
Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA | 2013
Behnisch Architekten
Public Buildings | LEED v3 BD+C (Core & Shell) GoldWageningen, The Netherlands | 1998
Behnisch Architekten
OfficesInzell, Germany | 2011
Behnisch Architekten
Sports and LeisureCambridge, MA, USA | 2004
Behnisch Architekten
Offices | LEED v2.2 NC PlatinumStuttgart, Germany | Germany
Architecture Office
www.behnisch.comBehnisch Architekten