Avanti Architects / Architecture and Design

Avanti Architects

Londra, Regno Unito


Avanti Architects are an award winning design practice providing architectural design, sustainable design, masterplanning, interior design and landscape design services. The company was established in 1981 and today has a broad portfolio of work in health, education, residential, commercial, regeneration and conservation with projects ranging from £1million to £250 million delivered both in the UK and abroad. The practice’s reputation is founded on providing high quality designs and strategic advice to clients based on innovation, flexibility and sustainability. This is reflected the number of projects we have delivered which redefine established ideas of building use, enabling change from traditional working practices, and resulting in improved performance. Avanti Architects Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems are certified under the international standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 respectively


Architecture and Design




Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni



Avanti Architects are an award winning design practice providing architectural design, sustainable design, masterplanning, interior design and landscape design services. The company was established in 1981 and today has a broad portfolio of work in health, education, residential, commercial, regeneration and conservation with projects ranging from £1million to £250 million delivered both in the UK and abroad.

The practice’s reputation is founded on providing high quality designs and strategic advice to clients based on innovation, flexibility and sustainability. This is reflected the number of projects we have delivered which redefine established ideas of building use, enabling change from traditional working practices, and resulting in improved performance.

Avanti Architects Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems are certified under the international standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 respectively

Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni