Habitat Lab, the new Saint-Gobain Italia laboratory building, awarded the prestigious LEED Platinum certification rating under the LEED 2009 NC Italia protocol.
Thanks to its high energy efficient building skin and on-site renewable technologies, the habitat Lab achieves very high energy saving (about 51% compared to conventional buildings) while providing high level of comfort and drastic reduction of the building CO2 emissions.
Among the strategies that make this building a best practice:
- Triple glazing system with an U-Value of 0.60 W/m2K;
- High energy efficient construction walls with 0,11 W/m2K thermal transmittance;
- Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) indoor finishes;
- FSC certified and/or high recycled content building materials;
- Low flow rate water fittings and grey-water recycling systems;
- Car park fitted with electric vehicle charging systems;
- 75% of construction waste diverted from landfill.
Source: Saint-Gobain