Get ready for the 2015 International Passivhaus Conference which will be held from 17th to 18th April 2015 in Leipzig, Germany. Over a hundred International speakers will present exemplary projects and solutions for building systems, ventilation units and windows. Besides the economic viability of the Passivhaus Standard, the event will also focus upon challenges of specific building uses and of different climatic circumstances.
Special sessions will be dedicated to the EU-funded projects, EuroPHit (step-by-step retrofits) and PassREg (Passivhaus regions with renewable energies). The conference is complemented by a number of workshops and excursions. Winners of the 2015 Component Award will also be announced.
For further information visit the Passivhaus Trust website
Photo: New Farmhouse, Kirsty Maguire Architects - UK Passivhaus Awards 2014 Winner - Bespoke Project Design