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Innovative Retrofit

10 March 2015, 01:07 | 

Reducing the environmental impact of our existing building stock is a major challenge for the industry. Targets and “inducement deals” have failed to create the required momentum in the market place. Do we need radical ideas or are we just waiting for the economic climate to change? The forum will examine some of the latest initiatives to deal with the skills and knowledge shortfalls in the industry sectors that will have most impact. It will also look at how international initiatives have shown how mass retrofit can be achieved at a human scale.


Christoper Jofeh, ‎Director & Global Buildings Retrofit Leader at Arup, will chair a must-attend discussion at Vision London in June.


The above is part of an extensive speaker programme for the two-day exhibition being held at Olympia on the 2 and 3 June (2015).

Covering the four themes of ‘Future Materials and Systems’, ‘Technology’, ‘Innovation in Architecture and Design’, and ‘Building for Health and Wellbeing’, the seminar programme will see more than 100 influential industry figures speak over the course of the two day event.   


Register today to get your free ticket to Vision London here



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