Bratislava, Slovakia | 2015
Nice Architects
ResidentialBratislava, Slovakia
www.nicearchitects.sk/Nice Architects
Our project range is wide – from interiors, family houses, public and residential buildings to urbanism and urban and landscape design. Our specialty is housing architecture in all its forms: affordable, experimental, energy efficient as well as social housing. While we strive to push the limits of architecture as far as possible, our projects are always driven by the “Love and Logic” motto – create out of love and never make something that does not make sense. We love to produce surprising ideas, optimistic visions, lifeful strategies and innovative projects in architecture and related fields. We are constantly bringing new and fresh perspectives into our work. We are rethinking the old ways of creation and are integrating into our work knowledge from new fields as industrial design, technology, art, psychology, science, sociology and life itself. We combine beauty, functionality and humanity into one complex entity.
Low Carbon Building Design
Our project range is wide – from interiors, family houses, public and residential buildings to urbanism and urban and landscape design. Our specialty is housing architecture in all its forms: affordable, experimental, energy efficient as well as social housing. While we strive to push the limits of architecture as far as possible, our projects are always driven by the “Love and Logic” motto – create out of love and never make something that does not make sense. We love to produce surprising ideas, optimistic visions, lifeful strategies and innovative projects in architecture and related fields. We are constantly bringing new and fresh perspectives into our work. We are rethinking the old ways of creation and are integrating into our work knowledge from new fields as industrial design, technology, art, psychology, science, sociology and life itself. We combine beauty, functionality and humanity into one complex entity.
Bratislava, Slovakia | 2015
Nice Architects
ResidentialBratislava, Slovakia | Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Architecture Office
www.nicearchitects.sk/Nice Architects
Tomáš Žáček
Tomáš Žáček
Sona Pohlova
Igor Zacek