Luka Stefanovic / Sustainable and energy-efficient architecture

Luka Stefanovic

Belgrade, Serbia


Architect and Building Engineer with a diverse range of skills and interests, with an affinity towards Sustainable Design, Energy Efficiency and Green Architecture, currently based in Belgrade, Serbia. He has worked on projects in sustainable architecture and energy efficiency, and has international work and study experience as consulting and design architect in offices in Belgrade and Milan, and took part in several workshops on landscape design and urban sustainability. Currently works at Belgrade Faculty of Architecture as a teacher, coordinating a project done together with Politecnico di Milano, and as a freelancer. Firmly believes in multidisciplinary approach, collaboration and convergence between professionals with different areas of expertise at early stages of project as the key to a good design. Interests in innovative techniques and technologies and believes in research as a solid foundation to a good design. He speaks Italian, English, German, Hungarian and Spanish.


Sustainable and energy-efficient architecture




Thumbnail bartolomeo conterio

bartolomeo conterio

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni


Thumbnail Marco Imperadori

Marco Imperadori

Thumbnail Paulina Marinkovic

Paulina Marinkovic

Architect and Building Engineer with a diverse range of skills and interests, with an affinity towards Sustainable Design, Energy Efficiency and Green Architecture, currently based in Belgrade, Serbia.

He has worked on projects in sustainable architecture and energy efficiency, and has international work and study experience as consulting and design architect in offices in Belgrade and Milan, and took part in several workshops on landscape design and urban sustainability. Currently works at Belgrade Faculty of Architecture as a teacher, coordinating a project done together with Politecnico di Milano, and as a freelancer.

Firmly believes in multidisciplinary approach, collaboration and convergence between professionals with different areas of expertise at early stages of project as the key to a good design. Interests in innovative techniques and technologies and believes in research as a solid foundation to a good design.

He speaks Italian, English, German, Hungarian and Spanish.

Thumbnail bartolomeo conterio

bartolomeo conterio

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni