Giuliano Dall'O' / Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Energy Planning, Green Planning, Smart City

Giuliano Dall'O'

Città Metropolitana di Milano, Italia


Giuliano Dall’O’ is a Full Professor in Buildings Physics at Politecnico di Milan and an expert and consultant in many areas relevant to energy conservation, energy efficiency, use of renewable energies in buildings and sustainability in the building sector. He is the author or co-author of more than twenty technical books and more than 200 technical papers. In the areas, relevant to energy certification of buildings, Giuliano is one of the leading experts at national but also European level.
 Giuliano is an expert, in the professional field, in the following subjects: Energy and Sustainable Planning, Sustainable Energy Action Plans (Covenant of Majors), Energy Certification of Buildings, Energy Audit and Green Energy Audit of Buildings, Zero Energy Building Design. Since November 2017 is President of Green Building Council Italia.


Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Energy Planning, Green Planning, Smart City




Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni

Thumbnail Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura

Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura

Thumbnail Paola Fiore

Paola Fiore


Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Alberto Lodi

Alberto Lodi

Thumbnail Mario Zambrini

Mario Zambrini

Thumbnail Mauro Roglieri

Mauro Roglieri

Thumbnail Andrea Valentini

Andrea Valentini

Thumbnail APTA VITAE


Giuliano Dall’O’ is a Full Professor in Buildings Physics at Politecnico di Milan and an expert and consultant in many areas relevant to energy conservation, energy efficiency, use of renewable energies in buildings and sustainability in the building sector.
He is the author or co-author of more than twenty technical books and more than 200 technical papers.
In the areas, relevant to energy certification of buildings, Giuliano is one of the leading experts at national but also European level.

Giuliano is an expert, in the professional field, in the following subjects: Energy and Sustainable Planning, Sustainable Energy Action Plans (Covenant of Majors), Energy Certification of Buildings, Energy Audit and Green Energy Audit of Buildings, Zero Energy Building Design.
Since November 2017 is President of Green Building Council Italia.

Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni

Thumbnail Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura

Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura

Thumbnail Paola Fiore

Paola Fiore