Gemma Graziani Vesey / Sustainability Communication & Consulting

Gemma Graziani Vesey

Milan, Italy


I am an eco-architect turned sustainability consultant and communicator. Whilst practicing architecture in NYC for 2 different studios, I promoted eco-design by specifying sustainable construction materials and practices in our projects. I was a member of AIA COTE (American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment) and as such one of the first consultants for the USGBC LEED Interiors (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - building rating system). I even led fellow architects on a tour of the first green skyscraper in Manhattan, Condé Nast’s 4 Times Square. I also served as consultant in UN Habitat’s Steering Committee of the World Urban Campaign for the 100 Sustainable Cities Initiative. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Later on, thanks to further studies in visual media, I worked with corporations and no-profits in creating eco-communication products (such as a video for IKEA’s environmental policy and geothermal system or one for CTS’s Masters in Sustainable Tourism), then helped various eco-companies and NGO’s with their new media efforts, amongst which WWF (International+ Italy +Mediterranean) in various capacities (Editor, Marketing Mgr, Head of New Media, Eco-Consultant, Copywriter), and working with some of their client-companies, such as Electrolux, Coop, Panini, Unicredit, Luxottica, Auchan, Coin. I even web-marketed a few important environmental films, documentaries and TV series and prior to that I organized an event for the Italian screening of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, with Patagonia & Legambiente as sponsors. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ A couple of years ago I created, a website for eco-edu of the public at large, which I use every once in a while for articles and more frequently to engage the community via its FB page. More recently I have worked indirectly on EXPO 2015 Milan both to give foreign countries delegates a general overview of the site and its functions and to highlight sustainability features of the event for a multimedia international project based in LA working with an Italian foundation. I also collaborated with WWF NaTuRe (Nature & Responsible Tourism) and PiùTurismo (online ecotourism), as business developer /green certification for hospitality. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks to my experience in the fields of design, visual media & web communication, I am very good at managing teams as well as working independently. I enjoy brainstorming eco-solutions with colleagues and staff; have such ideas implemented and communicating information and successes about them. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Aside from direct work experience, the Communication part is well founded in two US courses in Social Media for Business & Web Entrepreneurship as well as publishing articles online, whilst the Sustainability part is ever expanding not just through interaction with my clients but also with lectures, courses and seminars. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last but not least: I have dual citizenship (British/Italian) and I’ve worked in NYC for 6 yrs, lived in London for 2yrs, studied in Helsinki for 1yr, travelled to many countries both in Europe and around the world. I’m very used to working in international environments (even in Italy) and-or with foreign clients/colleagues/partners.


Sustainability Communication & Consulting




Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni



I am an eco-architect turned sustainability consultant and communicator. Whilst practicing architecture in NYC for 2 different studios, I promoted eco-design by specifying sustainable construction materials and practices in our projects. I was a member of AIA COTE (American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment) and as such one of the first consultants for the USGBC LEED Interiors (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - building rating system). I even led fellow architects on a tour of the first green skyscraper in Manhattan, Condé Nast’s 4 Times Square. I also served as consultant in UN Habitat’s Steering Committee of the World Urban Campaign for the 100 Sustainable Cities Initiative.
Later on, thanks to further studies in visual media, I worked with corporations and no-profits in creating eco-communication products (such as a video for IKEA’s environmental policy and geothermal system or one for CTS’s Masters in Sustainable Tourism), then helped various eco-companies and NGO’s with their new media efforts, amongst which WWF (International+ Italy +Mediterranean) in various capacities (Editor, Marketing Mgr, Head of New Media, Eco-Consultant, Copywriter), and working with some of their client-companies, such as Electrolux, Coop, Panini, Unicredit, Luxottica, Auchan, Coin. I even web-marketed a few important environmental films, documentaries and TV series and prior to that I organized an event for the Italian screening of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, with Patagonia & Legambiente as sponsors.
A couple of years ago I created, a website for eco-edu of the public at large, which I use every once in a while for articles and more frequently to engage the community via its FB page.
More recently I have worked indirectly on EXPO 2015 Milan both to give foreign countries delegates a general overview of the site and its functions and to highlight sustainability features of the event for a multimedia international project based in LA working with an Italian foundation. I also collaborated with WWF NaTuRe (Nature & Responsible Tourism) and PiùTurismo (online ecotourism), as business developer /green certification for hospitality.
Thanks to my experience in the fields of design, visual media & web communication, I am very good at managing teams as well as working independently. I enjoy brainstorming eco-solutions with colleagues and staff; have such ideas implemented and communicating information and successes about them.
Aside from direct work experience, the Communication part is well founded in two US courses in Social Media for Business & Web Entrepreneurship as well as publishing articles online, whilst the Sustainability part is ever expanding not just through interaction with my clients but also with lectures, courses and seminars.
Last but not least: I have dual citizenship (British/Italian) and I’ve worked in NYC for 6 yrs, lived in London for 2yrs, studied in Helsinki for 1yr, travelled to many countries both in Europe and around the world. I’m very used to working in international environments (even in Italy) and-or with foreign clients/colleagues/partners.

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni